Community consultation has now closed.
Thank you to everyone took the time to make a submission and have their say.
Read the full consultation documents
We're developing the Long Term Plan 2021-2031 for Central Hawke's Bay. We have some huge challenges ahead of us that we must face now, so we can secure a thriving future for our district and generations to come. We've got some ideas about how we can face these challenges, but we need to know what you think.
We've outlined our challenges and proposed options for addressing these challenges on this site and in our consultation document. You can have your say online, in person at one of our organised events, or make a submission by email or post. We want to hear from everyone, so please, make sure you have your say from 1 to 31 March 2021.
What's driving our big challenges?
Our reality
We now know more than we have ever known about the state of our infrastructure and services. For decades, rates have been kept artificially low, instead of fully funding depreciation or putting aside reserve funds for the renewal of our core infrastructure assets. We now require major investment in nearly every aspect of our infrastructure and services. A major step change is required to respond to the level of renewals and upgrade work we need to complete.
In this Long Term Plan we are proposing increases to rates and the council’s overall debt limits, so we can deliver an intense infrastructure renewals programme. We are also proposing increases to development contributions to lessen the burden of growth on our ratepayers. The reality of our previous investment decisions means some dramatic increases for the future.
We need your feedback on four key challenges
We run six wastewater treatment plants and all of them require major upgrades and renewals. We're proposing to deliver these upgrades over the next 15 years.
We face major investment in nearly every aspect of our infrastructure and services. We’re proposing a step change in the delivery of our renewals and upgrades.
Our community has a vision for a Waste Free CHB. We’re proposing changes to our recycling and rubbish services, but we want your views on some important trade-offs.
We are growing like never before. This growth brings costs to service new development. We’re proposing to increase development contributions and lessen the financial burden of growth on our ratepayers.
We also want your views on...
We need to know if you agree with our approach to crunching the numbers and the way in which we're planning our infrastructure. We are also asking for your views on the bylaws that govern the way we manage tradewaste, stormwater, water supply and wastewater.
Our Finance Strategy
The financial strategy outlines our overall approach to managing our finances. It sets our limits on rates increases and debt, illustrates the overall financial impacts of decisions made in the Long Term Plan and is key in demonstrating prudent financial management.
Our Infrastructure Strategy
Our Infrastructure Strategy sets out the 30 year plan for maintaining and improving levels of service for three waters, land transport, landfill and solid waste, and places and open spaces.
Our water bylaws
How should we charge industry and business to dispose tradewaste into our stormwater network? Should we introduce a policy for all new build homes to have a water tank that captures roof water? Have your say on these issues and more.
Frequently asked questions
If you have a question that's not covered below, come along to one of our information events, speak to your local councillor or email us at
What is a Long Term Plan (LTP)?
The (LTP) sets out what the Council's activities, costs and required revenue and rates are, for the next ten years. We review our LTP every three years, and are currently developing our LTP 2021-2031
When does the Council finalise the Long Term Plan?
Council will consider and make its decisions about the Long Term Plan after submission hearings in April. The finalised Long Term Plan must be adopted by the end of June and will be available on the website in July.
How will we know if the Council has achieved what it set out to do in the Long Term Plan?
The Council has a set of measures that it reports to the community about delivery of services for each of its activities. These measures are included in the Long Term Plan and we report on them annually in the Annual Report. These can be found in the Supporting Information - Groups of Activities and Performance Measures.
Can I speak to the mayor and councillors about my submission?
Yes! You can call or email councillors directly or speak to them face to face at one our engagement events. Your councillors are very keen to hear your feedback.
Will councillors even take notice of what the community has to say?
Yes. Councillors have already taken notice of what the community had to say through Project Thrive and during the pre-engagement phase of developing the LTP. Key themes from this process determined the priorities in the LTP. Your feedback will help councillors make an informaed decision on the LTP.
How will I know what's happened to my submission?
Your submission will be included in the information given to Council for consideration. Following the submission process we will contact you by email or postal address to inform you of the outcome of the considerations by Council.
Why is my rate increase more/less than other parts of the district?
The mix of the different services you are rated for determines the rate increase. For example, if you are connected to water your rates will be different to a rural property that isn't.
How can I find out what the proposed impact is going to be on me specifically?
Each rate payer will get a copy of the estimated rates for next year, sent to them the week of the 1 March, which will also be available on our website.
I am connected to the three waters – what will my rates go up to in the next 10 years for those rates?
On average urban residents connected to three waters services will see an increase by approximately 320%, or $4500 over the next ten years. This increase is based on assumption if three waters reform does not occur and doesn't account for the impact of growth in the number of connected properties. (see table overside)
I am a rural ratepayer, how do you justify this increase?
For decades rates have been kept artificially low. This means that many of our assets including parks and playgrounds have not had sufficient investment to keep them fresh and compliant with health and safety standards. Increases to the general rate are driven by a combination of upgrades to parks and open spaces; revamping the district plan; central government climate change commitments and waste minimisation and management; district wide stormwater management; reduced NZTA subsidies for road maintenance; and district wide animal control services.
What is a Rates Rebate and how do I apply?
If you have a low income and pay the rates on your home that you live in, you could get a rebate or reduction of up to $620. You will need to complete a form which you will find on the Council website, this is sent to DIA for approval.
What is a Rates Remission?
Some entities or indiciduals (for example schools and community groups) may be entitled to reduced rates. This acknowledges the special circumstances of particular ratepayers and provides targeted financial relief to community organisations. Further information can be found on the policies section of our website.
Why is Council proposing to increase debt? Who will pay it back?
Using debt allows the Council to spread the cost of infrastructure across the life of the asset and the generations of ratepayers that will benefit from these assets.
Debt is paid for within the activities that create the need for the debt, for example a wastewater plant will be paid for by a wastewater targeted rate, and this will only be charged to those who are connected to it. The length of the debt will vary from asset to asset depending on the life expectancy of that asset, and the benefits that that asset creates.
Long Term Plan development timeline
January - July 2020
- Create the workplan for developing the Long Term Plan
- Develop activity plans for our services and operations
- Assess how our community is growth and change assumptions
August 2020
Pre-engagement with our community to understand any change in priorities
July - October 2020
Develop key policies and strategies
October - December 2020
Create the Consultation Document and Supporting Information
December 2020 - January 2021
An external audit of the Consultation Document is completed
March 2021
Formally engage with, and seek feedback from, our community
April - May 2021
Opportunity for the public to present their submissions in person to councillors
June 2021
Final Audit and adoption of the Long Term Plan
July 2021
Engage and communicate outcomes with our community